Abram from Ur in Chaldea
Abram was a man who lived in Ur of Chaldea.
Ur was not far from Babel and was located in the land between two rivers, approximately in what is now Iraq, near Baghdad.
The land there was very fertile, but the people no longer worshiped the Creator God or thanked Him for their prosperity; instead, they had their own gods.
This saddened God greatly, so He decided to form a people that would belong only to Him and through whom other nations would return to Him and be blessed.
In the city of Ur lived Abram, a direct descendant of Seth and Shem.
God called Abram to leave Ur and his family and go to a land that God would show him.
Abram had a father named Terah and two brothers, named Nahor and Haran. Haran had a son named Lot. Haran died in Ur, so Abram took care of Lot.
When Terah, Abram’s father, heard about Abram’s plans, he took his two remaining sons, Abram and Nahor, and his grandson Lot, and went with them to Haran. Haran was also a great city at that time, an important trading center, as it was located on a key route.
In Haran, Abram’s father, Terah, died, and God called Abram once again to go alone to Canaan.
However, his nephew Lot went with him, along with his wife Sarai.
Sarai was very beautiful, but the saddest thing in Abram’s life was that Sarai had no children.
But God spoke to Abram and told him that He would make him into a great nation, bless him, and that Abram would bless others.
So Abram arrived in Canaan, built altars in Sichem, Bethel and Ai, and preached the name of the Lord.