• Musik

    Heal my heart oh God

    Heal my heart o God you have promised to restore Everything that has been destroyend by the power of the darkness Save my life o Lord From the evel which is burden me Keep my feet on the path of your glority Sometime I have doubts about your goodness When I see that my life is floating away in troubles Sometimes i am wondering Why I do not see your works But when I change my point of view I can see the cross where you died for me Sometimes life is so dark and i seems the night will never end I think I have to live forever in…

  • Musik

    We are like the grass in the field

    In this world, we do many thingsWe are busy with many things,But how important it is to think of God,For the day of death is approaching. We are like the grass in the field,Today we bloom, and tomorrow we die.How good it is to have an eternal home,A home forever with God. God, your word is eternal,Your commandments are good.Everything changes in this world,But you are the same forever. There is only one wayTo heaven, to eternal life.Christ on the cross, who rose again,The life, the truth, the way.

  • Musik

    Gott wie groß sind deine Wunder

    Gott wie gross sind Deine Wunder Deine Schoepfung redet von Dir Du hast Himmel und Erde erschaffen aber trotzdem denkst du an mich Gott wir loben Dich Gott wir preisen Dich Engel singen Tag und Nacht die Herrlichkeit Deiner Majestaet ich moechte an diesem Chor einstimmen und singen dem Koenig in seiner Pracht Gott Deine Groesse ist unbegreiflich und Deine Liebe und Gnade fuer mich Du hast am Kreuz einen Weg eroeffnet der Versoehnung von mir mit dir

  • Musik

    In deiner Gegenwart

    In Deiner Nähe ist Fülle der Freude Mein Antlitz leutet wenn dich sehe Herr Ein Tag an der Türe deines Tempels ist besser als tausend in der Welt ohne Dich Du bist mein Fels meine Burg Das Schild das mich beschützt Ich traue auf Dich in meinem Herzen Ich habe Glauben an Dich und das Heil Ich möchte zu den Berge Zion kommen dich in meinem Herzen anbeten Ich habe Freude wenn ich Dein Wort lese es ist wie Honig in meinem Mund Tag und Nacht denke ich an Dich Dein Wort erleuchtet meinen Weg Ich war verloren aber du hast mich gerettet Und dafür geben ich dir Dank

  • Musik

    Take up your cross and follow Christ

    Don t stop your thanksgiving when the road gets toughHe is with you when the light goes out, He is with you in affliction. Sometimes it’s hard to surrender when God asks you for a favor,But God will bless you more than you can ever imagine. Take up your cross and follow Christ, surrender yourself completely.His will is good for you; it leads you to eternal life. On His throne high in heaven, God hears your cry.He sees your faith and hope; He rejoices when you trust in Him. Eyes that have wept see things more clearly.A broken heart is a delight to the Lord. We must love Christ more…

  • Musik

    Holy Places

    Playback: On day I have heard his callingSinner rependI have heard and received a Jesus ChristAnd now I am a child of God From the kingdom of evil and darknessHe has put me in the kingdom of GodI am happy about my salvationThat I can say my father to God I want to be in holy placesSinging the glory of GodSinging of all his wondersGiving thanks for what he s done on the cruz I never deserved so much graceWhich he has given to me on the cruzI am a new creationThrough the water and spirit in God God remembered meThat I am lost without himI lived in the dust…

  • Musik

    The prodigal

    I m coming home to you my fatherI am the prodigal please forgive meI m coming homeBut I am not worthyTo be your child let me be your servant A fathers heart filled with loveThat forgives me even if I don t deserveGods heart is like a fathers heartHe is longing for me to coming home I did not want to obey you fatherI did not want to seeThat your thoughts were loveAnd you gave to me all your gifts and blessingsI did not want to see the tears in your eyes Away from you life seemed so easyEach day I did what I choosed to doBut my friends were…

  • Musik

    Those who sow with tears in their eyes

    Those who sow with tears in their eyes Will return with joy And they will bring a great harvest,And they will give glory to God. Even when walking with Christ, there are days of sadness,But God does not leave you alone; He gives comfort in His time. Sometimes you must walk paths that are not easy to take,But God sees the faithful worker;He will not leave your hands empty. The mind of the wise is in the house of mourning,Only the fool seeks joy in the world,Where he will not find it. The way to heaven is narrow,Sometimes it is hard to walk,But the Word of GodIs a lamp for…

  • Musik

    Und trotzdem liebst du mich

    Du bist das Morgenrot der helle AbendsternDein Glanz strahlt hoeher als zehn Atombomben der WeltDu bist der Friedensfürst, der Herrscher des WeltallsKönig der Könige über alles erhöht Und trotzdem liebst du michund denkst an michdu schaust mir zu, bei allem was ich tuUnd trotzdem liebst du michUnd denkst an michIch bin so gering und trotzdem wichtig fuer dich Du hast die Welt erschafften uns alle gemachtdas Universum auf seine Bahnen gebrachtAm Kreuz von Golgatha hast du fuer immer gesiegtDu kommst bald wieder und dann bist du es der regiert Du hast mich heut Morgen zärtlich gewecktMich auf allen meinen Wegen beschütztDu hast mit dem Wind in meinen Haaren gespieltmich mit…

  • Musik

    You will not lack anything

    When the hope of your life disappears When you lose everything that was important to you  When the pain climbs over the joy  When the night surrounds and you feeling fear  he has a promise to you:  You will not lack anything  Even if the night of death reigns  You will not lack anything  Even if the enemies are laughing and the shaddows fall He holds you in his  handhe is with you There s nothing you lack  And you think these are all empty words for where is God who loves you when despair controls you And you ask about God’s goodness When in the  valley of darkness you…