God is hearing your prayer
God is hearing your prayingHe always gives you an answerEven you sometimes have to waitHe arrives in his time Don t desesperate in difficult timesHe has a wayHe is greater than your problemIs solving everything Give him thanks, for bad things tooIt serves for the goodAfter the rain comes the sunAlways in his time When your crying you need faithYou re never suffering aloneHe is faithful on each day Holding his promise
Gott hilf mir zu verstehen
Gott, hilf mir zu verstehen, dass deine Zeit nicht meine ist. Gib mir Geduld, ruhig auf deine Antwort zu warten. Stärke meinen Glauben, wenn meine Seele in Not ist. Manchmal kommst du spät, doch immer mit einer Lösung. Wenn ich bete, wenn ich flehe,scheint es, als würdest du nicht hören,doch du wirkst im Stillen –du hast den morgigen Tag schon bereitet. Wir müssen flehen, wir müssen vertrauenauf den Herrn, der die Welt erschaffen hat.Er sorgt für mich an jedem Tag,er hat den morgigen Tag schon bereitet. Er sagt in seinem Wort: Wenn ich flehe,wird er mir eine Antwort geben.Er weiß am besten, was gut ist,er hat für mich einen Morgen.
A good way
Being in your presence makes me believethat you created the world and guide everything. And full of love, you care for me,you see where I am. With love, you reach out your hand to me,you lead me on my path.And it is a good paththat you have for me. When the night comes,you light a lamp for me,so that I do not get lost. You lead me on a narrow path,which is hard to see.I see only a little bit,but you have already prepared it. And the things that worry meno longer matter,for when I place my hand in yours,my fear fades away. I want to trust morein my Father…
Du bist das Licht gegen die Finsternis
Wenn Feinde sich gegen mich erheben Wenn die Dunkelheit auf mich faellt erhebe ich zu Dir meine Stimme Setze meine Hoffnung auf Dich Denn Du bist das Licht gegen die Finsternis Du bist der Herr der rettet Du bist meine Hoffnung Du bist der Herr der Leben gibt In den Todestaelern habe ich keine Angst In Tagen der Traurigkeit denke ich an Dich Denn du hast mir einen Tisch bereitet in der Gegenwart vieler Probleme Jetzt moechte ich ganz ruhig sein Dank sagen fuer alles was geschieht Ich schaue auf das Kreuz und ich denke an den Erloeser der sein Leben gab
Ich werde mich an dir freun
Ich werde mich an Dir freuen auch in Zeiten die mir nicht gefallen Ich werde mich an Dir freuen und ich gebe Dir Dank ich werde mich an Dir freuen wenn der Wind gegen mich ist Ich werde mich an Dir freuen Weil es Dein Wille fuer mich ist Es ist leicht sich zu freuen an einem Tag mit Sonne wenn alles durch dich gesegnet ist Auch in Pruefungen muss man auf dich vertrauen Den Frieden und die Freude nicht verlieren Zu dir beten ohne Unterlass gibt mir die Kraft Traurigkeit zu ueberwinden Dein Geist troestet mich Dein Wort ist Licht fuer mich
Is it me who crucified Jesus
When he touches me with his spirit my heart begins to cry because I fell which pain I caused him with my sins When I look to the cross I see What I have done with my life Disobeying and destroying casting away his grace Is it me who crucified Jesus Is it me who put the nails in his hand Is it me he was praying for on the cross Father forgive they do not know what they re doing And the sin in my life was chaning me I did not know what I did But this is no excuse to refuse the grace he wanted to give…
Your wisdom
I have cried out, I have prayed, but I did not receive what I desired from you. I was so sure that I would overcome and win, but all that remains is only you. And your wisdom is greater than that of the world, your will is perfect for me. Maybe I do not receive because it is not good for me, your way is better. I do not want now to cry in frustration, I give no space to sadness. I will keep going, worshiping you. I have no doubts, no fear to live. One day you told me I should not be afraid. You are with me even…
Who is as great as the Lord
Who is as great as the lord,The creator of heaven and earthHe s reigning in majesty in the heavenBut he don t forget about meM ycreator my life my fatherMy creator my life my father The fool says in his heart there is no God even his creation talks about himThe fool satisfies his soul in the world does t think that everything endsBut nothing satisfies the thirst of the soulLike the presence of GodLike the presense of God I am feeling safety because God loves me because he s guarding every day of my lifeAnd all he expects of me is that I m giving thank to himIt is…
Mein geliebtes Kind
When live gets hard when troubles grows When I don t know how to survive I cloose the door come into your presence Hear from you in my silent room And you say: Don t be afraid my beloved child I have all prepared for you your future is in my hand because I loved you befor the world has been And I look back to further times When lived seemed to have no meaning Remembering times of your presence Give me strength to overcome Because you said: Don t be afraid…. And now I come before you throne bowing my knees for you I give you praise for all…
Teach me
Many times I don’t understand the meaning of my path I often wonder why I live here. Many things I did not well in my life But you tell me that all has its purpose for you Teach me to see life with your eyes Teach me the laws of your kingdom Teach me to love like you loved Teach me to live with you Lord Father you give me bread and not stone But when I don’t ask I don’t receive anything I’m going to start asking with faith I m knowing that your plans are perfect for me Sometimes you don’t allow the world to deliver Because I…