• Musik

    Wings of the morning

    If I took wings of the morningand I flow to the shore most far awayThan you re already there you lead meand your hand is holding me Lord you search meLord you know meLord you re holding meYou re my creatorYou re my providerYou are the pastor of my lifeIf I arose to the heavenYou re already thereIf I went down to the sheolI could not hide me Now I have seenthat there s no meaningTo hide away from your faceEverywhere I goYou are thereI can t fly from youAll of my days you are knowingEvery second of my lifeIn Darkness and lightat the end of the spaceYou are finding…

  • Musik

    Ich möchte dich mehr lieben Herr

    spanisches Lied: Wenn ich deine Hand nehme und dein Antlitz  sehe Wenn ich Dein Herz nahe an mir spuere Dann preis ich dich Wenn nichts mehr wichtig ist als in deiner Nähe zu sein Die mir bezeugt, dass du mich liebst, dann preis ich dich Ich moechte Dich mehr lieben, Herr , nicht nur dich kennen Ich moechte Dich mehr lieben Herr, nicht nur weil du mich segnest Ich moechte dich lieben, weil du du bist, der Freund meines Lebens Ich habe Hunger nach Dir Ich gebe Dir Dank weil du zuerst mich geliebt hast Wenn ich die Sterne anschaue in einer dunklen Nacht denke ich an Dich und ich…

  • Bibelstories for Children

    The children of Adam and Eve

    After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they had to leave the Garden of Eden. They came together as a couple and also had children. Eve was very proud when she gave birth to her first son, Cain, and shortly after, Abel was born. God had told them to eat from the fruits of the field. But Cain was not content with merely gathering the fruits through hard work; he cultivated them, and from what he had left over, he offered a sacrifice to God. Abel, on the other hand, was a shepherd. Sheep provide wool for making clothes, meat, and milk. Abel took one of the best lambs he had…

  • Musik

    Einen Tag näher am Himmel

    Ein Tag naeher am Himmel Ein Tag naeher an dir Ein Tag mehr auf dem Weg Der mich in Dein Haus fuehrt, Herr Ein Tag mehr an dem du mich zu einem Gefaess der Ehre fuer dich formst In der Nacht sehe ich den vergangenen Tag er kommt mir verloren vor Ich hab gefleht und auch geweint Aber nichts hat sich geaendert Ich frag mich warum ich Geduld haben muss die Sachen sich so lang Zeit verzoegern Aber du erklaerst mir durch deinen Geist dass fuer dich nichts verloren ist Herr du kennst die Wuensche meines Herzens und hoerst meine Bitten ich frag mich warum du nicht antwortest warum du…

  • Musik

    The armor of God

    One voice: With second voice: Playback: Be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might Put the whole armor of God That you may be able to stand against The wiles of the devil For our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of the darkness The spiritual hosts of wickedness take courage because Jesus has already won Take the armor on on every day having girded your loins with truth Put the breastplate of rightiousness take the shoes of the Gospel of peace on And take the shield of faith to quench the fired darts of the evil the helmet of salvation And…

  • Musik

    There is power in the name of Jesus

    There is power in the name of Jesus There ist healing from sin in the blood that he gave He turns on a light and the darkness must flee He is my lamp and my light on his path Sometimes I feel weak when I see my boundaries When I see that I m unable to do the things But Jesus comforts me with his Holy Spirit He s telling me he has all done on the cross Sometimes I feel overcome by enemies They seam so much bigger and stronger to me But Jesus tells me there is rest and supply For those who confide in all in him…

  • Musik

    Holy Jesus (On the day when you will come back)

    Holy Jesus you gave your lifefor me there on the crossHoly Jesus you arosefrom the death to give me hope On the day when you are coming backWe will sing we will rejoiceSoon we will see that day you will comecalling us for to come home Holy Jesus you have victoryover the darkness which is surrounding meHoly Jesus you are the lightThat shines here to show us the way Holy Jesus your loveis helping me when I am afraidHoly Jesus you have wonevery battle I am fighting with

  • Andachten

    Gott löst dein Problem

    1 Und die Schlange war listiger denn alle Tiere auf dem Felde, die Gott der HERR gemacht hatte, und sprach zu dem Weibe: Ja, sollte Gott gesagt haben: Ihr sollt nicht essen von den Früchten der Bäume im Garten?2 Da sprach das Weib zu der Schlange: Wir essen von den Früchten der Bäume im Garten;3 aber von den Früchten des Baumes mitten im Garten hat Gott gesagt: Eßt nicht davon, rührt’s auch nicht an, daß ihr nicht sterbt.4 Da sprach die Schlange zum Weibe: Ihr werdet mitnichten des Todes sterben;5 sondern Gott weiß, daß, welches Tages ihr davon eßt, so werden eure Augen aufgetan, und werdet sein wie Gott und…

  • Bibelstories for Children

    Why do we have to die?

    Before God created the Garden of Eden and humankind, He created the angels. Angels do not have free will; they serve God and do what He commands. One angel was particularly beautiful. His name was Lucifer, and he led worship in heaven. He had direct access to God and was more beautiful than all the other angels in heaven. One day, he became proud. He thought, “Since I am so beautiful, I should take God’s place in heaven.” He wanted to overthrow God from His throne. But God was stronger than him, and the faithful angel Michael also fought against him. Thus, Lucifer was cast out of heaven, along with…

  • Bibelstories for Children

    Why is all creation so beautiful?

    The nature around us is so beautifully made because there is a God who can think of wonderful things and bring them to life. His goal was to create humans, but to ensure they would have a good life, He first prepared a place for them to live. It’s like when parents prepare a room for their unborn baby. In the same way, God created a garden for the people He wanted to form, a place where they could feel at home. God worked on the garden for five days, and on the sixth day, He created humans. On the first day, He made light, because humans were not meant…