Bibelstories for Children
Abrams Gerechtigkeit
Nach all diesen Dingen erschien Gott dem Abram in einer Vision. Er versprach ihm, dass er ihn beschützen würde und ihm einen großen Lohn geben würde. Abram zweifelte erst und sagte, dass er ja kein Kind habe und ein anderer sein Erbe bekommen würde. Gott sprach, dass der Sohn von Abram das Erbe bekommen würde und ließ Abram versuchen die Sterne zu zählen und erklärte Abram, dass seine Nachkommen so zahlreich sein würden. Abram glaubte das, obwohl er immernoch kein Kind hatte, aber er vertraute Gott und deshalb sah Gott ihn als gerecht an. Danach sprachen sie über das Land, das Abrams Nachkommen als Erbe bekommen werden und Abram wollte…
Abram rescues Lot
Abram had separated from Lot, but he still cared for his nephew when he was in trouble. Lot had chosen to live in Sodom, even though the people there were wicked. One day, Sodom and Gomorrah became involved in a war, and the enemies took everything the cities had, including Lot. A man who had managed to escape informed Abram about what had happened. So Abram took 318 loyal servants who had spent their entire lives with him and rescued Lot. He also brought back the women and possessions of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. On his way back, Abram met King Melchizedek, who came out to greet him.…
Abram und Lot trennen sich
Als der Pharao Abram bat, Ägypten zu verlassen, ging er zuerst bis zum Mittagsland. Das ist wo heute das westliche Saudi-Arabien liegt. Danach ging er zurück zu seinem früheren Zeltplatz zwischen Bethel und Ai. Dort stand noch der Altar, den er zuvor gebaut hatte und er predigte wieder den Namen des Herrn dort. Es gab aber bald ein Problem: Dadurch dass Abram viel hatte und obendrein noch Geschenke vom Pharao bekam, war er sehr reich. Er hatte sehr viel Vieh, Gold und Silber. Lot ging zwar mit Abram, aber er hatte seine eigenen Tiere und Hütten. Weil das insgesamt für das Stückchen Erde auf dem sie sich aufhielten zu viel…
Abram in Ägypten
Als Abram in Kanaan angekommen war, kam eine schwere Hungersnot und alle Menschen und Tiere mussten darunter leiden. Abram dachte, “Ich kann auch in Ägypten ein Fremdling sein”, denn die Teuerung war sehr hoch und es scheint so, dass er weder Vertrauen hatte, dass Gott ihn versorgt, noch Gott fragte, ob das sein Weg sein solle. Er fragte auch nicht Gott nach der Ursache der Hungersnot, sondern nahm Lot und Sarai und ging hinab nach Ägypten mit ihnen. Da er nicht mehr im Willen Gottes lebte, der ihm das Land Kanaan versprach, hatte er Angst. Er fürchtete, dass die Ägypter ihn töten könnten, weil Sarai sehr schön war. Deshalb befahl…
Abram from Ur in Chaldea
Abram was a man who lived in Ur of Chaldea. Ur was not far from Babel and was located in the land between two rivers, approximately in what is now Iraq, near Baghdad. The land there was very fertile, but the people no longer worshiped the Creator God or thanked Him for their prosperity; instead, they had their own gods. This saddened God greatly, so He decided to form a people that would belong only to Him and through whom other nations would return to Him and be blessed. In the city of Ur lived Abram, a direct descendant of Seth and Shem. God called Abram to leave Ur and…
The larges project of construccion
Noah’s family did not remain small. His sons had children and grandchildren, and they, in turn, also had children, so soon there were many people on Earth again. At that time, everyone spoke the same language and they found a plain large enough to live together. The people of that era were very intelligent because they discovered how to bake bricks, and with them, they could build many things, including buildings that lasted a long time and remained standing even after their builder had long passed away. Then they said, “We want to become famous by building a tower that reaches the sky. This way, we will avoid having to…
A new begining
Noah had to stay in the ark for a total of one year and ten days until the ark landed on a mountain and he was able to leave it. It rained for forty days and forty nights. Then, the water rose for 150 days and covered the highest mountains. After 150 days, the water began to recede, and the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. Then, the earth started to dry, and to check if it was possible to go outside, Noah released a dove. After one year and ten days, according to the Hebrew calendar, God commanded Noah to leave the ark. Then, Noah built an altar…
The great flood
Although God sought out mankind and already had a plan to save at least part of humanity, the hearts and thoughts of men became increasingly evil. God felt a deep sadness, a sadness so great that you cannot imagine it. First, He tried to shorten human life to 120 years so that people would have less time to sin, but it did no good. Then He thought, “I should not have created humanity. Therefore, I will destroy them all in a great flood, along with all of creation.” However, there was one man on earth who moved God, someone He did not want to destroy, and that man was Noah.…
Kain and his descents
Since Cain turned away from God, his family also had no hope. Although he found a wife—because Adam and Eve had many more children after the birth of Seth—and Cain had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and more descendants, they focused on establishing their life on Earth. They achieved great things, built cities, and even worked with iron, but they did not seek God. Apparently, they did not care about God either, as Lamech trampled on God’s commandment that a man should have only one wife and declared that he should be avenged not seven times like Cain, but seventy-seven times. After this, nothing more is mentioned about Cain and his family.…
The children of Adam and Eve
After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they had to leave the Garden of Eden. They came together as a couple and also had children. Eve was very proud when she gave birth to her first son, Cain, and shortly after, Abel was born. God had told them to eat from the fruits of the field. But Cain was not content with merely gathering the fruits through hard work; he cultivated them, and from what he had left over, he offered a sacrifice to God. Abel, on the other hand, was a shepherd. Sheep provide wool for making clothes, meat, and milk. Abel took one of the best lambs he had…