Bibelstories for Children

  • Bibelstories for Children

    Why do we have to die?

    Before God created the Garden of Eden and humankind, He created the angels. Angels do not have free will; they serve God and do what He commands. One angel was particularly beautiful. His name was Lucifer, and he led worship in heaven. He had direct access to God and was more beautiful than all the other angels in heaven. One day, he became proud. He thought, “Since I am so beautiful, I should take God’s place in heaven.” He wanted to overthrow God from His throne. But God was stronger than him, and the faithful angel Michael also fought against him. Thus, Lucifer was cast out of heaven, along with…

  • Bibelstories for Children

    Why is all creation so beautiful?

    The nature around us is so beautifully made because there is a God who can think of wonderful things and bring them to life. His goal was to create humans, but to ensure they would have a good life, He first prepared a place for them to live. It’s like when parents prepare a room for their unborn baby. In the same way, God created a garden for the people He wanted to form, a place where they could feel at home. God worked on the garden for five days, and on the sixth day, He created humans. On the first day, He made light, because humans were not meant…