Bibelstories for Children

The larges project of construccion

Noah’s family did not remain small. His sons had children and grandchildren, and they, in turn, also had children, so soon there were many people on Earth again.

At that time, everyone spoke the same language and they found a plain large enough to live together.

The people of that era were very intelligent because they discovered how to bake bricks, and with them, they could build many things, including buildings that lasted a long time and remained standing even after their builder had long passed away.

Then they said, “We want to become famous by building a tower that reaches the sky. This way, we will avoid having to scatter across other lands.”

So God came down from heaven and saw that people could achieve anything as long as they had one language. Then, He confused their language. Suddenly, no one could understand what the other was saying. This caused great chaos, and the groups that spoke the same language within their families had to find a new place to live.

The place where the tower was built and where God confused the languages was later called Babel.

Later on, people began to learn the languages of other nations and accomplished great things. In the Middle Ages, they learned Latin and built impressive works, and in modern times, they learned English and Russian, reaching the Moon or, at least, outer space.

Today, people from many nations can communicate because they have learned different languages, but that does not mean they truly understand each other. That is why conflicts and even wars still exist.

Peace and true greatness can only be found in Jesus Christ. He has given us His peace and creates in us a new spiritual being that can reach heaven. In Him, we all have great worth.

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