
The prodigal

I m coming home to you my father
I am the prodigal please forgive me
I m coming home
But I am not worthy
To be your child let me be your servant

A fathers heart filled with love
That forgives me even if I don t deserve
Gods heart is like a fathers heart
He is longing for me to coming home

I did not want to obey you father
I did not want to see
That your thoughts were love
And you gave to me all your gifts and blessings
I did not want to see the tears in your eyes

Away from you life seemed so easy
Each day I did what I choosed to do
But my friends were just approaching me
When my money was gone
They left me too

Then I stood alone everything lost
And I had to work as a servant
I had to eat food of pigs remembering how good you are
And I went home not feeling worthy
To be in your house as a servant
But you were waiting there for me to come

And you are calling me: my son

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