Those who sow with tears in their eyes
Those who sow with tears in their eyes
Will return with joy
And they will bring a great harvest,
And they will give glory to God.
Even when walking with Christ, there are days of sadness,
But God does not leave you alone; He gives comfort in His time.
Sometimes you must walk paths that are not easy to take,
But God sees the faithful worker;
He will not leave your hands empty.
The mind of the wise is in the house of mourning,
Only the fool seeks joy in the world,
Where he will not find it.
The way to heaven is narrow,
Sometimes it is hard to walk,
But the Word of God
Is a lamp for your feet.
What joy it is
To know that we are children of God,
And the Holy Spirit comforts us
On the days we do not like.
Soon we will return
To heaven, to the Father, with joy.
There will be no tears, no pain,
When we receive our crown.