Bibelstories for Children

A new begining

Noah had to stay in the ark for a total of one year and ten days until the ark landed on a mountain and he was able to leave it.

It rained for forty days and forty nights. Then, the water rose for 150 days and covered the highest mountains. After 150 days, the water began to recede, and the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. Then, the earth started to dry, and to check if it was possible to go outside, Noah released a dove.

After one year and ten days, according to the Hebrew calendar, God commanded Noah to leave the ark. Then, Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice to God.

God perceived the pleasant aroma and promised that, although human beings have evil thoughts in their hearts from a young age, He would never again exterminate all humans and animals together. He established the seasons, which would never cease as long as the Earth existed.

Then, God made a covenant with Noah; that is, He established a contract with him in which He gave commandments and promises.

The commandments were: Everything that has life and green plants may be eaten, except raw meat, which must not be consumed. And if someone kills or murders another person, God will punish the guilty one, and human judges must also do so.

In return, God promised that He would never again send a flood over the entire Earth.

God blessed Noah and told him to be fruitful and multiply.

As a sign of the covenant, God placed a rainbow with seven colors in the sky, and every time we see it, God remembers the covenant He made with Noah and all of humanity. We must also remember it and keep in mind this covenant that God established with humanity.

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