Bibelstories for Children

Kain and his descents

Since Cain turned away from God, his family also had no hope.

Although he found a wife—because Adam and Eve had many more children after the birth of Seth—and Cain had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and more descendants, they focused on establishing their life on Earth. They achieved great things, built cities, and even worked with iron, but they did not seek God.

Apparently, they did not care about God either, as Lamech trampled on God’s commandment that a man should have only one wife and declared that he should be avenged not seven times like Cain, but seventy-seven times.

After this, nothing more is mentioned about Cain and his family. Their lives became insignificant to God because they did not love Him or obey Him.

How are you today? Do you want to walk with Jesus and live eternally, or is having a great career on Earth more important to you, even though it bears no fruit for eternity?

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