Bibelstories for Children

Why is all creation so beautiful?

The nature around us is so beautifully made because there is a God who can think of wonderful things and bring them to life.

His goal was to create humans, but to ensure they would have a good life, He first prepared a place for them to live. It’s like when parents prepare a room for their unborn baby. In the same way, God created a garden for the people He wanted to form, a place where they could feel at home.

God worked on the garden for five days, and on the sixth day, He created humans.

On the first day, He made light, because humans were not meant to live in darkness; they needed to see the things around them.

On the second day, He made the sky. The sky is important because it protects us from cosmic radiation and keeps the oxygen we need to breathe on Earth.

On the third day, God created the sea, which supplies water for the clouds, and the land, where grass, seeds, and trees grow. Later, humans were allowed to eat from the trees and seeds, while animals ate the grass, ensuring there was no conflict.

On the fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. We need the night to sleep, but it shouldn’t be completely dark, which is why we have the moon and stars. The moon also helps us measure time, and the stars once helped sailors navigate before modern radar was invented.

On the fifth day, God placed animals in the sea and the air. These include fish and marine mammals in the water, and birds flying above us. Each was uniquely created with its own purpose and role.

And on the sixth day, God made humans. First, He created Adam, whom He placed in the Garden of Eden, which was made just for him.

Adam was made from dust, and God breathed His breath into him, making him alive. Before finishing His work, God gave Adam a command: he must not eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the garden. God warned him that if he did, he would die.

Adam felt lonely, even though many animals surrounded him. So God put Adam into a deep sleep and took something from his side to create a woman who would be a companion and helper for the man.

Adam was very happy about this, and with that, everything God wanted to create was finished.

God blessed His creation and rested on the seventh day when His work was complete.

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